141 research outputs found

    Between two moments

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    In this short note, we draw attention to a relation between two Horn polytopes which is proved in [Chenciner-Jim\'enez P\'erez] as the result on the one side of a deep combinatorial result in [Fomin,Fulton, Li,Poon], on the other side of a simple computation involving complex structures. This suggested an inequality between Littlewood-Richardson coefficients which we prove using the symmetric characterization of these coefficients given in [Carr\'e,Leclerc].Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Action minimizing orbits in the n-body problem with simple choreography constraint

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    In 1999 Chenciner and Montgomery found a remarkably simple choreographic motion for the planar 3-body problem (see \cite{CM}). In this solution 3 equal masses travel on a eight shaped planar curve; this orbit is obtained minimizing the action integral on the set of simple planar choreographies with some special symmetry constraints. In this work our aim is to study the problem of nn masses moving in \RR^d under an attractive force generated by a potential of the kind 1/rα1/r^\alpha, α>0\alpha >0, with the only constraint to be a simple choreography: if q1(t),...,qn(t)q_1(t),...,q_n(t) are the nn orbits then we impose the existence of x \in H^1_{2 \pi}(\RR,\RR^d) such that q_i(t)=x(t+(i-1) \tau), i=1,...,n, t \in \RR, where τ=2π/n\tau = 2\pi / n. In this setting, we first prove that for every d,n \in \NN and α>0\alpha>0, the lagrangian action attains its absolute minimum on the planar circle. Next we deal with the problem in a rotating frame and we show a reacher phenomenology: indeed while for some values of the angular velocity minimizers are still circles, for others the minima of the action are not anymore rigid motions.Comment: 24 pages; 4 figures; submitted to Nonlinearit

    Action minimizing solutions of the Newtonian n-body problem: from homology to symmetry

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    An action minimizing path between two given configurations, spatial or planar, of the nn-body problem is always a true -- collision-free -- solution. Based on a remarkable idea of Christian Marchal, this theorem implies the existence of new "simple" symmetric periodic solutions, among which the Eight for 3 bodies, the Hip-Hop for 4 bodies and their generalizations

    Saari's homographic conjecture for planar equal-mass three-body problem under a strong force potential

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    Donald Saari conjectured that the NN-body motion with constant configurational measure is a motion with fixed shape. Here, the configurational measure μ\mu is a scale invariant product of the moment of inertia I=kmkqk2I=\sum_k m_k |q_k|^2 and the potential function U=i<jmimj/qiqjαU=\sum_{i<j} m_i m_j/|q_i-q_j|^\alpha, α>0\alpha >0. Namely, μ=Iα/2U\mu = I^{\alpha/2}U. We will show that this conjecture is true for planar equal-mass three-body problem under the strong force potential i<j1/qiqj2\sum_{i<j} 1/|q_i-q_j|^2

    Choreographic Three Bodies on the Lemniscate

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    We show that choreographic three bodies {x(t), x(t+T/3), x(t-T/3)} of period T on the lemniscate, x(t) = (x-hat+y-hat cn(t))sn(t)/(1+cn^2(t)) parameterized by the Jacobi's elliptic functions sn and cn with modulus k^2 = (2+sqrt{3})/4, conserve the center of mass and the angular momentum, where x-hat and y-hat are the orthogonal unit vectors defining the plane of the motion. They also conserve the moment of inertia, the kinetic energy, the sum of square of the curvature, the product of distance and the sum of square of distance between bodies. We find that they satisfy the equation of motion under the potential energy sum_{i<j}(1/2 ln r_{ij} -sqrt{3}/24 r_{ij}^2) or sum_{i<j}1/2 ln r_{ij} -sum_{i}sqrt{3}/8 r_{i}^2, where r_{ij} the distance between the body i and j, and r_{i} the distance from the origin. The first term of the potential energies is the Newton's gravity in two dimensions but the second term is the mutual repulsive force or a repulsive force from the origin, respectively. Then, geometric construction methods for the positions of the choreographic three bodies are given

    Simple choreographies of the planar Newtonian NN-body Problem

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    In the NN-body problem, a simple choreography is a periodic solution, where all masses chase each other on a single loop. In this paper we prove that for the planar Newtonian NN-body problem with equal masses, N3N \ge 3, there are at least 2N3+2[(N3)/2]2^{N-3} + 2^{[(N-3)/2]} different main simple choreographies. This confirms a conjecture given by Chenciner and etc. in \cite{CGMS02}.Comment: 31pages, 6 figures. Refinements in notations and proof

    Kustaanheimo-Stiefel Regularization and the Quadrupolar Conjugacy

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    In this note, we present the Kustaanheimo-Stiefel regularization in a symplectic and quaternionic fashion. The bilinear relation is associated with the moment map of the S1S^{1}- action of the Kustaanheimo-Stiefel transformation, which yields a concise proof of the symplecticity of the Kustaanheimo-Stiefel transformation symplectically reduced by this circle action. The relation between the Kustaanheimo-Stiefel regularization and the Levi-Civita regularization is established via the investigation of the Levi-Civita planes. A set of Darboux coordinates (which we call Chenciner-F\'ejoz coordinates) is generalized from the planar case to the spatial case. Finally, we obtain a conjugacy relation between the integrable approximating dynamics of the lunar spatial three-body problem and its regularized counterpart, similar to the conjugacy relation between the extended averaged system and the averaged regularized system in the planar case.Comment: 19 pages, corrected versio

    Straight Line Orbits in Hamiltonian Flows

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    We investigate periodic straight-line orbits (SLO) in Hamiltonian force fields using both direct and inverse methods. A general theorem is proven for natural Hamiltonians quadratic in the momenta in arbitrary dimension and specialized to two and three dimension. Next we specialize to homogeneous potentials and their superpositions, including the familiar H\'enon-Heiles problem. It is shown that SLO's can exist for arbitrary finite superpositions of NN-forms. The results are applied to a family of generalized H\'enon-Heiles potentials having discrete rotational symmetry. SLO's are also found for superpositions of these potentials.Comment: laTeX with 6 figure

    An Exactly Conservative Integrator for the n-Body Problem

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    The two-dimensional n-body problem of classical mechanics is a non-integrable Hamiltonian system for n > 2. Traditional numerical integration algorithms, which are polynomials in the time step, typically lead to systematic drifts in the computed value of the total energy and angular momentum. Even symplectic integration schemes exactly conserve only an approximate Hamiltonian. We present an algorithm that conserves the true Hamiltonian and the total angular momentum to machine precision. It is derived by applying conventional discretizations in a new space obtained by transformation of the dependent variables. We develop the method first for the restricted circular three-body problem, then for the general two-dimensional three-body problem, and finally for the planar n-body problem. Jacobi coordinates are used to reduce the two-dimensional n-body problem to an (n-1)-body problem that incorporates the constant linear momentum and center of mass constraints. For a four-body choreography, we find that a larger time step can be used with our conservative algorithm than with symplectic and conventional integrators.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures; to appear in J. Phys. A.: Math. Ge